
Leith Community Crops in Pots is keen to expand its education projects by establishing a 'Croft Carbon College' - a local centre for raising environmental awareness within the community by providing accessible and engaging courses that integrate the work and expertise of individuals and organisations focused on specific areas of environmental sustainability.
This survey is to gather your thoughts on our initial ideas for the college approach, potential courses we might run, and how we might offer these. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes and your views will inform our final application for the Climate Challenge Fund. Thank you from all of us at Leith Community Crops in Pots!
Background to LCCIP and our Vision

Leith Community Crops in Pots (LCCiP) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, set up to
promote healthy, inclusive and environmentally sustainable food production and consumption in Leith.
The organisation’s mission is: “To encourage and support the people and organisations of Leith to grow
food vegetables, and flowers for bees, in urban spaces, in order to improve health and well-being,
community cohesion and environment.”

We have been appointed by the City of Edinburgh Council to manage two acres of common good land as a community growing space, both with and for the locals. The land is located in the north-western corner of Leith Links Park and is now known as Leith Community Croft. It is on the croft, in nearby rented space or course-specific workshop spaces that we envisage running our CCC courses.

Everything the CCC does will fit in with LCCiP's purposes, which can be found on our website and OSCR page.

Our Vision for the Croft Carbon College (CCC)

The CCC will be a centre of excellence for raising environmental awareness and for bringing together individuals and organisations concerned with climate change and related issues.

Our aim is for the college to be situated in the refurbished Pavilion on Leith Community Croft, alongside our community growing project, composting facilities, social enterprise café, farmers’ market, nature-play and biodiversity areas. We envisage that the variety of courses* and facilities the venue offers will draw in a cross-section of the local community.

Our vision is that CCC course participants, along with those using our other facilities, will be introduced to various social and environmental issues in engaging ways that will encourage long-term positive behaviour change. More detailed information on our ideas so far can be found on our website: [LINK TO BE ADDED].

*Initially courses and workshops will be aimed at adults only (18+), and we are only asking adults to complete this survey.

Leith Harvest Festival