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Reframe Cancer provide support for people going through cancer:
  • Clinical advice from their team of Cancer Nurse Specialists throughout the cancer journey, from first symptoms to after treatment and living with and beyond cancer.
  • Emotional and practical support – offering a safe space to talk about cancer.
  • Advice and guidance on returning to work.
  • An Information Hub of verified resources so people can find trusted information about cancer.
Reframe have commissioned this survey to better understand:
  1. The experiences of cancer patients in the workplace and their needs through their cancer journey.
  2. The factors that help or hinder people with cancer to work during cancer treatment (where possible) and return to work afterwards.
  3. The unique value that a person with cancer brings to the workplace as a result of their cancer journey.
This survey is aimed at people who were working at the point of diagnosis and will take 15 minutes or less to complete.

Your valuable and 100% anonymous responses will help us to better tailor our services to meet the needs of cancer patients. We plan to use the results of the survey to promote the needs of cancer patients and cancer survivors to employers, so that more people who choose to work through their cancer journey, can be better supported.

We understand that when reflecting on your cancer journey, it is possible that some negative emotions may be triggered. Please do not try and manage these emotions alone. If you would like support, contact our cancer support team on 0207 965 0309

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