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Thank you so much in advance for adding your voice to THE CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S MANIFESTO, a youth-led project enabled and supported by A Place in Childhood and the Children and Young People’s Commissioner, Scotland.

It has 5 Big Changes which Young People have said are needed for Scotland to become a better country to grow up in. The Big Changes are supported by 6 Principles to ensure they're done right! 

The Manifesto began during the first lockdown in 2020 with online discussions between a group of 25 young people aged 10-16 across Scotland. We came to realise how many of our experiences and hopes for change were the same.

So we gave them to primary schoolchildren and other young people who might have different views. They also agreed with our changes, but added important improvements too.

Now we want you to add your voice too! You can do this by yourself, or as a group. It's up to you!

Before we start, first open the full Manifesto in a new browser tab by clicking here. That way if you want more information on any of the Big Changes you can easily go to that tab/page to read them in full.  

However, if you're happy to give your support based on summaries of the Big Changes, this survey will only take a few minutes.

At the end, there are some general questions about you. This will help us to know whose voices may be missing and where, so something can be done about it. Finally, when we take this to the Scottish Government, they might want to know more about who contributed to it. You can click here to view the Privacy Notice, which explains what personal information we’re collecting, why, and how we will use it.

To run this survey, we need to follow the law around protecting your personal information, so we’re only going to ask you what we need to make the children and young people’s manifesto a success.   

PASS IT ON: Please help the Manifesto to go viral by sending the survey onto at least one or two other youth groups, OR other young people living in Scotland, and encouraging them to add their voices.  

The more voices and agreement we have between us, the more likely the change we all want to see will happen! THANK-YOU!

So...if you live in Scotland and are under 18 years old please click "NEXT" below to review and add your voice to the Manifesto!
0 of 14 answered