We are consulting on the best ways to reduce energy use and increase renewable energy

The Scottish Government has prepared a draft ‘Energy Strategy’ for consultation. The strategy sets how Scotland will reduce energy use, move away from oil and gas production, and increase renewable energy by 2045.
The Energy Strategy is also consulting on how best to ‘decarbonise’ Scottish farms and crofts by reducing energy use and moving to renewables.
To respond to the strategy, we are consulting members on:
  • Part 1 - The best ways to and reduce energy use on farms and crofts and ‘decarbonise’ Scottish agriculture.
  • Part 2 - The opportunities and barriers to developing renewable energy, and the potential impacts of renewable energy development on land use and agricultural production.
  • Part 3 - How we support farmers and crofters to decarbonise.
The full consultation document can be found here: https://www.gov.scot/publications/draft-energy-strategy-transition-plan/

A member’s webinar will be held at 7pm on Monday 6th March – sign up here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VcWIOnU4TAS4oAnO0tA5Cg
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17% of survey complete.