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* 1. Please complete the following information:
Organisation Name:

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* 2. Contact Person Name:

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* 3. Contact Person Job Title:

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* 4. Email Address:

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* 5. Contact Telephone Number:

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* 6. As a business participant the cost is £300 + VAT, please provide an invoice address:

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* 7. PO Number (if required):

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* 8. Social Media Platforms:

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* 9. As a business participant you will receive a 1m x 3m stand. Please provide the following for inclusion in the exhibition branding via email to Tick the boxes to confirm you have acknowledged these requirements.

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* 10. As part of the showcase, organisations can promote job opportunities including an apprenticeships or graduate programmes. Please provide details of any vacancies/ job opportunities below.

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* 11. Throughout the day there will be workshops/seminars/masterclasses on various topics including the opportunity to showcase new products, if this is something you would be interested in hosting please tick the box below and the team can contact you with further information.