
TACTYC is reviewing the way that it serves its members. We need to understand more about both our members' and our potential members' aspirations and needs. We also need to understand how well our membership reflects the diversity of the sector as a whole.

We are interested in your views and perceptions of what membership of TACTYC might mean for you, what you get from your membership if you have one, and how we might improve. Your answers to the questions in this survey will help us to shape the organisation's priorities in the future.

The questionnaire is in three parts:

Part 1: Asks about you and your work or studies.
Part 2: Seeks your views in relation to TACTYC membership.
Part 3: Seeks your impressions of TACTYC's work.

There are approximately 45 questions in total, many offer multiple-choice answers and should take 12 - 15 minutes of your time.

At the end, you will be offered the opportunity to tell us anything else about TACTYC that you wish to convey, either that we haven’t covered in the survey, or that you want to cover in more depth.

Your responses can be anonymous or you can choose to identify yourself. Your confidentiality will be protected, and all data will be stored securely in a password protected electronic format.

We would be extremely grateful for your time, and would greatly appreciate your participation.