1. Managed Clinical Network Scoping Family Survey

The Scottish Government has commissioned NDCS Scotland to carry out an 18 month research project to consider introducing a Managed Clinical Network (or Networks) for Paediatric Audiology. 

The purpose of Managed Clinical Networks (MCN) is to improve the care patients receive in terms of quality, access, convenience and co-ordination.  It should also help children, young people and their families’ work with clinicians to be more involved in planning and thinking about how services are run.

MCNs’ other aims, are to ensure that the right treatment gets to the right patient at the right time in the most appropriate place and is delivered by a clinician with appropriate training and resources. This will mean that children and young people in Scotland will be entitled to the same care, no matter where they live. 

The project aims to look at current Paediatric Audiology service provision across Scotland, gathering the views of families as well as professionals on current service provision and establish evidence that can be used to provide better and more co-ordinated services for the future. 

It is really important to us to get your views as a parent/ carer of a deaf child/ children. 



We use the term “children” to include children and young people up to the age of 15 years, 11 months. 
There is a space for comments or information on your responses at the end of each section.

 If you have any questions about this survey, please contact pauline.boyce@ndcs.org.uk

Answers can be amended and updated after completing the survey by following the survey link again.
Please complete by Fri 19 Sept