One of the objectives of WP5 is to create and collect training material of interest for the PaN community (“Training material” in the broad sense) and to publish it in a common training portal, which will be linked in the future with the EOSC. Therefore, the material accessible to this training portal would include both existing material, but also material that will be created within the framework of ExPaNDS and PaNOSC.

The PaN training portal will be developed by PaNOSC, in collaboration with ExPaNDS. This portal will be composed of different sections including:
- An E-learning platform,, where a learning management system (moodle), MediaWiki, an instrument simulation interface, and, in the future, also Jupyter can be used for developing online courses
- A training catalogue (external links) to centralize access to training materials from different partners (e.g. links to different repositories or websites)
- An "event" section gathering training events such as webinars, seminars (online or face-to-face) of interest regarding training

From ExPaNDS' side, one important step is therefore to identify “training material” of interest for ExPaNDS & PaNOSC partners and the PaN community.

The first part of this survey is dedicated to the existing training material at your facilities that you can share on a common PaN training portal.

The second part of this survey is dedicated to your training needs for your WP.