
The Luton RNAV-1 BPK SID was implemented on 20 August 2015 following the published Airspace Change Process applicable at the time (CAP 725).

Stage 5 of that process requires the CAA to commence a post-implementation review (PIR). The purpose of the review is for the CAA to evaluate whether the anticipated impacts and benefits in the original proposal and published decision are as expected, and where there are differences, what steps (if any) are required to be taken.

The post-implementation review is not a review of the decision on the airspace change proposal.

Since implementation of the Luton RNAV-1 BPK SID a revised Airspace Change process has been introduced (CAP1616). While this PIR is being conducted under the CAP 725 metrics the CAA is adopting some principles from the CAP 1616 process in the interests of transparency in conducting this review.

The CAA is seeking feedback, via this survey, on both the impacts of the implemented airspace change and the data provided by the sponsor in support of the PIR.  This survey will be open for a 28-day period during which any stakeholder may provide feedback it wants the CAA to consider when carrying out its PIR.

The CAA aims to review the evidence provided by the sponsor plus the feedback received in the 28-day period and publish the completed PIR by the end of the year.

About this feedback survey

Please note that you will need to complete your response to this feedback survey in one session. It is not possible to exit the survey and return later to where you had finished.

We recommend that you prepare your response before completing this feedback survey.

What to expect

This feedback survey contains closed questions (i.e.Yes/No or multiple choice options) and open fields where you can enter detailed answers. You can cut and paste text into comment boxes if you need to, but please note there is a character limit in each comment box.

You can also upload files to support your feedback at the end of each section in the survey.

We are unable to accept feedback unless you provide your name, email address and postcode. Please not that individual responses will not be made public.

Closing date

This feedback survey will close at 1700 on Monday 2 July 2018.