Workplace Social Connectedness

8% of survey complete.
Did you know having more friends at work can make you happier healthier and more successful?

Whether you work for a large scale organisation or independently from the comfort of your home, workplaces can be lonely places. Having meaningful friendships at work can lead to improved wellbeing, productivity and engagement, yet not enough is known about the role of workplace design in fostering these friendships.

This questionnaire is being used as part of an independent research study to help look at just that. We’re interested to hear about your workplace and whether you think its design and layout brings people together or drives people apart.

The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and all responses shall be anonymous and grouped. The survey will automatically save each page as you complete it and you can return to the survey and where you left off if required.

Please share the survey with your colleagues and friends to help bring us closer to our goal of reducing loneliness in workplaces:

‘Connecting in the Workplace’ originated from the Loneliness Lab, an incubator for collective action to design out loneliness from our cities. The Lab was founded by Lendlease and Collectively and has since grown to over 40 organisations and 100 individuals working together to make our cities less lonely places.

This study is a collaboration between British Red Cross, Buro Happold and International Quarter London (IQL).