We would really welcome your help in deciding the future of Custom House in Leith

The Scottish Historic Buildings Trust (SHBT) is considering how Custom House should be developed in the long term. This questionnaire follows extensive consultations with individuals and organisations plus displays at the 7 Open Days in Custom House.

This short survey has been developed from the consultations. It is intended to help build on these and ensure Custom House's future includes the ideas and needs of everyone in the local community. 

The questionnaire is designed for:
  • People who live or work in Leith
  • Organisations and businesses who are involved in Leith
  • People with an interest in the development of Custom House
We would be grateful if you could complete the questionnaire as soon as possible - by Monday, January 6, 2020 at the latest. After we have analysed the results, we will report back on them.

All your entries will be anonymised and we will only contact you again if you provide your contact details at the end of the survey.
5% of survey complete.