Introduction (Page 1 of 7)

This survey has been developed for those wishing to take part in Alopecia UK's 'Your Story' project. 
We know that sharing our experiences of alopecia can be a really valuable form of peer support. 

The survey is split into the following sections: 
- Introduction
- Personal Details
- In the beginning
- Reflections
- Advice for others
- Your experiences with Alopecia UK
- Thank you and survey close

We will try to feature as many of the stories submitted as possible but cannot guarantee to use them all. If you do not hear back from us, we have decided not to share your story at this time. 

If your story is selected Alopecia UK's Communications Manager, Amy Johnson, will send you an edited 'article' version of your story. She will ask for a head and shoulders photo of yourself to accompany the piece. 

Please note that by agreeing to take part, 'Your Story' will feature on Alopecia UK's website, social media and newsletter. 

Answer boxes in this survey are 'free text'. You are not restricted by characters. We reserve the right to edit your responses but Amy will ensure you are happy with the final article before she publishes it. 

The time it will take to complete this survey will depend how much detail you put into your answers. Please bear in mind that Amy will be writing up your answers into an article-style feature so please provide detailed responses.