Can you match these descriptions to the correct scientist?? If you get at least 7/10, you are a scientist expert! 

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* 1. I was born in England in 1561 and while I did not become a scientist I am important in the history of science because I was obsessed by the belief that I was born to be of service to humanity by the discovery of truth. I was a politician and essayist and argued against magic and promoted the development of the scientific method as a method by which an exhaustive collection of instances (data) must be analyzed by induction in order to arrive at true conclusions... Who am I?

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* 2. I was born in Italy in 1564. I became a prominent astronomer and used the newly invented telescope to discover the mountains on the Moon, the nature of the Milky Way, and four of Jupiter's moons. I openly expressed my agreement with the Copernican theory that Earth is not the center of the universe. This got me into trouble with the Church... Who Am I?

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* 3. I was born in America in 1706 and was instrumental, in 1743, in starting America's first scientific society - The American Philosophical Society - in Philadelphia. In June 1752 I performed a famous kite experiment and showed that lightning is a form of electricity. I am considered one of the great founders of the science of electricity... Who am I?

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* 4. I was born in England in 1809. I studied medicine at Edinburgh but left after two years and went briefly to Cambridge. I first made my name as a geologist but after nearly five years sailing round the world as naturalist on the H.M.S. Beagle my major contribution to science was my theory that evolution occurs as a result of natural selection of heritable traits. I wrote about my theories in the "Origin of Species" (1859) and "The Descent of Man" (1871). .... Who am I?

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* 5. I was born in America in 1847 and had little formal education. During the Civil War I was a telegraph operator. Later, I invented the gramophone, a long-lasting carbon-thread electric lamp, and the nickel cadmium accumulator. My 1,097 patented inventions, the result of hard work, trial and error, were said by the US Congress to have revolutionized civilization. .... Who am I?

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* 6. I was born in Scotland in 1847. I started my career as a teacher and then studied medicine and made a particular study of sound waves. I became very interested the mechanics of speech and later in telegraphic communication. I set up a Boston school for training the deaf; founded the professional journal Science; and in 1876 received a patent for my invention of a telephone. .... Who am I?

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* 7. I was born in America in 1901 and studied to become a chemist. In the late 1940s I identified the cause of sickle cell anemia, I was awarded the 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for my work on the chemical bond and the structure of molecules, and in 1961 proposed a molecular model to explain anesthesia. I became well known for my emphasis on the therapeutic value of Vitamin C in regular, significant, daily doses... Who am I?

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* 8. I was born in America in 1902 and am well known as an aviator who made a nonstop, solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. But, I also associated with scientists at the Rockefeller Institute and assisted Alexis Carrel, a French surgeon at the Institute, in the design of a sterilizing glass pump to circulate nutrient fluid. .... Who am I?

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* 9. I was born in England in 1913. I made important discoveries in East Africa which helped revise theories about where the human species first appeared. In 1948 I unearthed the 18 million year old Proconsul africanus at Lake Victoria in Kenya. In 1959 I discovered the Zinjanthropus (now Australopithecus) boisei jaw at Olduvai Gorge. .... Who am I?

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* 10. I was born in Russia in 1920 and studied in America to be a biochemist. I became most well known as a first rate, prolific American writer of science-fiction. My first science fiction story was sold to Amazing Stories magazine (1939) and my first book was Pebble in the Sky (1950). I authored a biochemistry textbook and wrote many books on science for the general public. .... Who am I?