A survey for Grafham

The survey has been setup by some of the villagers, worried at the speed and volume of traffic hurtling through Grafham. We want to collect this data to allow us to investigate possible new traffic calming measures and other ways of improving safety in this rural village.

We would ask that everyone take a few minutes to answer these few survey questions and we'd love it, if you would also be prepared to help with the traffic monitoring. If you are, we'd ask that you leave your name, email/phone contact details with us.

GDPR: We promise that all responses & information will be kept confidential and only the total numbers in this survey shared with others. Data will only be used by Carole Anderson & Chris Bulow and will be stored securely by/on Survey Monkey servers. Your personal details can be deleted by emailing chris@ceebee.com.

Question Title

* 1. Are you worried by the speed of traffic through our village?

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* 2. Do you think that more could be done to improve Grafham road safety?

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* 3. Is the increase in A14 works diverted traffic a real worry or concern?

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* 4. Do you think that the large lorries now using the village as a short-cut are an increasing worry?

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* 5. Would you be willing to help us in monitoring traffic speeds & vehicle numbers (training will be given)?

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* 6. If you've answered YES to Q5. please leave your name, email address & contact phone number below