Report Comments

Question Title

* 1. When would you prefer to have the full report, with written comments, in relation to the  parents’ evening?  

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* 2. A target grade is a challenging grade we set for your child to aim for. How important is it to include a target grade for each subject on your child's report?

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* 3. A flight path grade is the grade we think your child is likely to achieve at the end of Year 11 based on their current work. How important is it to include a flight path grade for each subject on your child's report?

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* 4. A 'Ready to Learn grade' is the grade that judges your child's behaviour for learning in lessons.How  important is it to include a Ready to Learn grade  for each subject in your child's report?

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* 6. Is there any other information you would like us to include  in your child's report?