Personal Stories for The Trans Teen Surival Guide Book by Fox and Owl

We are looking for stories and experiences from trans teens (under 21 years old or people who came out as trans as teens) for our new book The Trans Teen Survival Guide! This book aims to be a helpful resource for trans teens and their families, giving trans teens advice, information and resources. Being trans can be quite challenging due to stigma in society, so this book will hopefully be a useful tool in navigating the world as a trans person. By contributing, you can help other trans people with their journey and be an inspiration for others! 

You don't have to answer all of the questions, so feel free to share as much or as little as you want!

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* 1. Please provide us with your name (or nickname / alias if you want to be anonymous)

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* 2. Please tell us your age.

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* 3. How do you identify?

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* 4. As trans people are such a wide community and we are never just trans, we want to reach a wide range of different trans people with different backgrounds. 

This includes things such as: ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, disability, or any type of identity that affects your life (max 100 words).

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* 5. Coming Out To the World (Or Not!)
Please share with us a few lines about your experiences of telling the world you were trans. This can include your worries about coming out, what you thought would happen vs. what did happen, who helped you and who didn't, how it made you feel, how old you were and so on. All stories are welcome, whether they are positive or negative (max 250 words).

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* 6. Hormone Blockers and Cross Hormones
Please share with us your experiences of hormone blockers or cross-hormones. Think about what it meant to you to be able to access them and how it made you feel, and how old you were when you started them. Share with us why it was so important for you and all the changes it had on your mental health as well as the physical changes it prevented and/or caused (max 250 words).

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* 7. Awkard Trans Tales
Being trans can often be challenging, but there are also some pretty hilarious situations that crop up. For this part, we want you to share with us the most funny, awkward or cringey story you have, that directly relates to you being trans (max 250 words).

For reference, take a look at this article and the video below:

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* 8. Dysphoria - The Monster
How do you or have you dealt with dysphoria? A lot of trans people experience dysphoria and for some it can be a crippling distress that effects their day to day lives. We'd love to hear your stories on how you deal with dysphoria, how it makes you feel and what you do to make yourself feel better. It will be valuable for others to hear your experiences and we encourage you to be as open and honest as possible (max 250 words).

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* 9. Anything else you think might be useful to share? Advice? Another story? Write it below! We'd love to hear from you (max 250 words).

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* 10. Hopes For the Future
What are your personal hopes for the future and your life as a trans person? Where do you see yourself in a few years time? What do you wish you can have access to and how would you like to live your life? How do you see the future for trans people?

Share with us some of your thoughts to some of these questions for the final chapter in the Trans Teen Survival Guide (max 250 words).