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The team would welcome your feedback on our service so we can continue to improve our care to patients

Question Title

* 1. Method of service delivery – how your received your exercise and education please

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the following questions with a tick:

  Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Unsure Satisfied Very satisfied
The atmosphere/
rapport with staff/others
The exercises you were given
The education and information you were given
The referral process
The accessibility of the venue
Your overall experience of Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Question Title

* 3. What did you find most beneficial about attending Pulmonary Rehabilitation?

Question Title

* 4. Click on the scale below to rate your satisfaction with the support you have been given by the team:

0 (Very dissatisfied) 10 (Very satisfied)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the following questions with a tick:

  Yes No Not sure
Would you recommend Pulmonary Rehab to others with a lung condition?
Do you feel you achieved something / a goal from attending?
Did your feel safe during your time at Pulmonary Rehab

Question Title

* 6. The Pulmonary Rehabilitation Service values your feedback. Thank you for taking time to fill in this survey. 

Are you happy for your comments to be passed on to senior management?

We will not give any personal or medical details with your comments.

0 of 6 answered