Gyle Park Active Travel Path Network

Gyle Path Upgrade Project
Friends of the Gyle Park seeks the view of park users and local people about the quality of the path network which is used for active travel i.e. walking, wheeling, cycling and scootering to work, education and other local amenities.

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* 1. Do you use the paths in Gyle Park for active travel  i.e. to walk, wheel (using a wheelchair or mobility aid) cycling or scootering to local amenities?

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* 2. Does the condition of any of the path surfaces cause you problems as you are travelling through the park?

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* 3. Describe any issues you have while travelling on the paths in the park that cause you problems and/or prevent or discourage you from using them ?

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* 4. Which destination do you travel to most using the path network?

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* 5. Do you support Friends of the Gyle Park working to achieve grant funding to improve the condition of the path network to enhance accessibility for all walking, wheeling and cycling & scootering through the park?