What is this questionnaire for?

This questionnaire is part of a research project which aims to understand the different gender identities that are present in people with Klinefelter syndrome (KS)/XXY and what this means for the development of support services for this community. This includes understanding how common it is that people who have Klinefelter syndrome/XXY don't identify as the sex written on their birth certificate.

This study is being conducted by the Klinefelter Syndrome Clinic at St. Thomas’ Hospital to improve clinicians’ understanding of what support and services should be available for patients with Klinefelter syndrome/XXY with regards to gender identity.

Your participation in this research study is voluntary. 

This questionnaire consists of approximately 23 questions and should take around 10 minutes to complete. Your responses will be confidential - no information that could personally identify you will be collected in this questionnaire.

The results of this research will be shared with the Klinefelter Syndrome Association at a later date.