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* 1. Please insert the name of the child this Trisuit hire/ order refers to

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* 2. Do you want to ...

Repurchase/ Swap information. If you purchase a trisuit the club will buy it back for £25 (Child) or £30 (adult) provided it is in good condition and can be used for hire. We will also swap for a larger size, again assuming it is in good condition.

If you want to swap a hired one for a larger size, or simply return a hired suit please bring it to training on Sunday.

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* 3. Hire agreement: Hire trisuits must be returned in good condition and should only be used for competitions, not for training. 

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* 4. If you want to hire or buy what size do you need? Please also complete this question if you want to swap for a larger size

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Please see size guidelines. We suggest you fit for height (measurements C and D)

Please see size guidelines. We suggest you fit for height (measurements C and D)

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* 5. Please type in your name and your email address

Thank you. We will collate all orders (for hire as we have a limited number of suits this will be in response order) and get back to you.