Kickstart Scheme intermediary - Sussex Chamber of Commerce

If you have less than 30 vacancies, Sussex Chamber of Commerce can support you with the Kickstart scheme.
This is a free service provided to both members and non-members.

Before completing this survey, please consult the 'Kickstart Scheme Employer Guide' document on our website page

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* 1. Please complete your contact details

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* 2. How many placements are you looking to create?

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* 3. Please list placement job titles, proposed start dates and provide a brief summary of the role.
If you have more than five vacancies available, complete the boxes for the first five roles then use the free text box at the end to provide details of the remaining jobs.

Please send a job description for every role you are intending to create to
Please note - We will not be able to process your application for the Kickstart scheme until we have received a job description for every role that you are looking to create. 

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* 4. Please confirm that you meet the government's Kickstart programme criteria (all must be ticked to be accepted).

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* 5. Please explain how this job placement(s) is deemed to be a new job (please see guidance documents on our website under 'Young-Chamber/Kickstart-Scheme')

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* 6. Please state how your organisation will support the placement to look for long-term work including careers advice, setting goals and future employability skills

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* 7. Please state how your organisation will support the placement with CV and interview preparations

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* 8. Please state how your organisation will support the placement with basic skills, such as attendance, time keeping and teamwork

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* 9. Any questions/ final comments?

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* 10. This form collects your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
I consent to Sussex Chamber collecting my personal data.

Thank you for completing the Kickstart form.
Upon receipt of this form, a member of the Sussex Chamber team will contact you with further details.
Please do remember to send us the job descriptions to - we will not be able to complete the process until we have received this.
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100% of survey complete.