Existing Services

Your feedback is really important not only to us so we know what is working and what can be improved but also to our funders who need to know what difference their support has made to our families. Please spare a few minutes to answer these questions about our existing services over the last 12 months. You do not have to complete your name or provide contact details unless you would like one of the team to contact you with regards to your responses. 

Question Title

* 1. Overall how would you rate the services provided by Rett UK?

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* 2. Overall, how would you rate the support provided by our staff and volunteers?

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* 3. Please let us know how we have helped and supported you and your family.

  Strongly Agree Agree Not relevant Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
Increased my understanding and knowledge of Rett syndrome
Increased my confidence in dealing with health and social care professionals
Helped me feel less isolated
Helped me to cope in difficult times
Helped me get the appropriate care/treatment/support for the person I care for

Question Title

* 4. Please can you rate the following specific services provided by Rett UK (in the last 12 months)

  Very Good  Good Average Poor Very Poor N/A
Telephone Electronic Support Services (helpline, email and social media support)
Regional Events
Family Weekend
Transition Project
Fundraising Support

Question Title

* 5. Please good you rate the following resources provided by Rett UK (in the last 12 months)

  Very Good Good Average Poor Very Poor N/A
Rett UK Website
Rett News
Best Practice Guidelines
The Family Companion
E Newsletter

Question Title

* 6. Based on last year's family consultation we are currently seeking funding for certain projects. It is really helpful for funders to understanding the importance of the work we are asking them to support. Please could you rate the importance, to you and your family, of the following work.

  Extremely Important Important Of some importance Not important Not relevant or applicable to me
Improving local support through regional events
Developing the Parent to Parent Contact Network
Sibling Support
Local Support Groups
Transition Support
Webinars with our professionals 
Dedicated legal helpline 
Developing information/resources

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* 7. Please can you let us know if you are a member of Rett UK. Membership is free as is Rett News and the E Newsletter although donations are welcome. Sign up online www.rettuk.org.

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* 8. If you would like one of our team to contact you with regard to membership please complete your name and telephone number and/or email address. Thanks.

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* 9. Please could you let us know in what capacity you are completing the survey.