This survey will take just 10 minutes of your time

The purpose of this survey is to get your feedback on our new idea; the development of a platform bringing you, the prospective mentee together with those with practical experience (mentors/coachs) to provide you better adequate support and advice helping you manage change in a fast-paced world and to realise what to do next after full time education (work / independent life). For open-ended questions, please be as detailed as possible with your responses.

Young people face many challenges; they could be a recent graduate struggling to land their first job, just left college looking for advice on starting a business and building the finances to do this, or have already worked for a couple of years and something inside them urges for change - to find their passion / a better fit? NXT STPS aim to provide a mentor/coach for every young person in the country.

Over time we would like to provide this platform through a phone app allowing you to see which mentees are a good match to get your support, their bios/profiles, key challenges they're facing and goals from connecting with a NXT STPS mentor. You'll be able to manage all your admin/planning and message your mentors and coaches instantly to schedule the next session, set homework or arrange a call. All this done from the comfort of your home, whilst commuting to work or whilst you're at the gym.

NXT STPS want to provide a network where you can receive advice, support and practical insights from the heart. Why you? Because you may be facing a barrier in your transition. We want to invite young transitional people from all walks of life to join the platform and benefit from our network of mentors and coaches including: life coaches, industry experts, business leaders, dieticians, personal trainers, motivational speakers and counsellors. We even have some who specialise in the quarter-life-crisis (QLC)! 

After conducting a survey and face-to-face research we found that more adequate advice is NEEDED in the following areas and we need you to help us test the idea:

Career Planning & 9-5:
Develop a greater awareness of entering the world of work, what is required to get a job, what is expected when you have a job and how to progress your career by tactically navigating through the politics of 9-5 work life. Links to hiring companies.

Personal & Physical Growth:
Speak to experts who will help you build a vision of who you want to become by assessing your strengths and weaknesses. Explore how to manage your mind and when's right to push outside of your comfort zone in a world of constant distractions. Learn the best way to deal with fatigue and tiredness to meet the high-intensity demands of life after education.

The Money Bit:
Speak to a financial expert who will help you create a personalised plan for paying off your student loan, suggest ways to save when you are hard-up and deal with living in an expensive city or town.

Social & Community Engagement:
Understand that connecting with others can significantly benefit your wellbeing, yet appreciate that managing a healthy, secure and regular social life requires a lot of time, attention and planning.

Life Skills:
Be guided by people on what life skills you'll need to develop to tackle the daily nuances of every day life; what problems you cannot avoid and how you should best deal with them - paying taxes, meal planning and time management.

Note: Please only fill out this survey if you consider yourself a prospective mentee.

Privacy: Your privacy is important to us, therefore we have designed this survey so that your answers will be kept