The Town Council has finalised updates to the draft Wantage Neighbourhood Plan. The original Plan was rejected by an inspector in 2016 relating to the proposed town centre and greenspaces policies. The updated Plan has been modified to amend or remove the policies that were deemed unacceptable. All other policies remain unchanged from the document published in 2016 and the updated version of the Plan published and informally consulted upon in November 2020. No new policies have been added. More information on the role of the Plan in the planning processes, and a copy of the updated Plan, can be accessed on the Town Council’s website

The Plan document provides a lot of support information relating to each policy proposal, however, from a planning viewpoint it is the wording of the policies themselves that are given regard to when making decisions about planning applications. This survey, therefore, focuses specifically on the policy wordings and seeks your views concerning them.

Question Title

* 1. Town Centre Policy Area

The Wantage Town Centre Policy Area is as defined in the District Council's Local Plan.

Development proposals for uses within Class E will be permitted within the town centre boundary.

Elsewhere in the area outside of the defined primary and secondary shopping frontages, proposals for employment uses will be encouraged provided they address the sequential approach to use as explained in the local plan (i.e. main centre, before edge of centre, before out of centre) and meet adopted car parking standards and any loss of existing car parking spaces is replaced.

Where planning permission is required, proposals within the Town Centre Policy Area resulting in the loss of an E Class at the ground floor must demonstrate that:

i. the unit has been proactively and appropriately marketed for at least 12 months and it has been demonstrated that there is no longer a realistic prospect of the unit being used for E Class uses in the foreseeable future.
ii. the proposal meets the needs of the residents within the local neighbourhood; and
iii. the proposal will not have an adverse impact on the vitality and viability of the centre as a whole.

Do you support these policies?

Question Title

* 2. Optional comments on Town Centre Policy Area

Question Title

* 3. Protection of Employment Sites

Proposals for redevelopment of, or extensions to, existing employment land that fully retain existing uses, will be supported, provided they accord with the development management policies of the development plan.

Proposals for change of use from employment use are encouraged as part of a mixed-use scheme where it can be demonstrated that:
i. There is no reasonable prospect of continued sole employment use for the land or buildings.
ii. Where the site or premises are unsuitable for sole employment use on amenity, environmental or highway safety grounds, that benefit to the community would be delivered by allowing mixed uses; or
iii. Where appropriate adequate and deliverable alternative employment provision is available within the Wantage development boundary.

Question: Do you support these policies?

Question Title

* 4. Optional comments on Protection of Employment Sites

Question Title

* 5. Design – General Principles

Development proposals will be supported, provided their design has regard to the following principles: 

i. views into and out of town make a significant contribution to its overall character and must be both preserved and respected in the design and positioning of any new development.

ii. improved provision for cycling throughout the Area. Contributions to improve cycling opportunities will be sought, where appropriate, and feasible and may be in the form of financial contribution and/or appropriate design measures;
a. Contributions to the improvement of existing bicycle lanes and paths;
b. Contributions to the provision of safe and well designated cycle routes, especially on the main roads through the area;
c. Contributions to the provision of new bicycle lanes and paths;
d. Contributions to the provision of new bicycle stands in all parts of the area - and particularly in town; and
e. The provision of appropriate bicycle storage.
It is important that any design measures meet the appropriate technical standard.

Question: Do you support these policies?

Question Title

* 6. Optional comments on Design – General Principles

Question Title

* 7. Design – Character Areas

Development proposals will be supported provided:

a. their design is in accordance with the Development Plan and reflect the character of that part of the town within which the land is located, as shown on the Policies Maps on pages 37-39.
b. Innovative design is encouraged, provided that it positively responds to and enhances where possible the local character of the surrounding area.
c. Landscape schemes should seek to retain existing on-site mature trees and hedges and, where appropriate, should include new fruit tree planting.

Town Centre Conservation Areas
a. Any future development or redevelopment in the Conservation Area, including infill and back garden development, should be architecturally in keeping with adjacent buildings and appropriate in scale and massing; and
b. Materials for buildings, shop fronts and boundary walls should reflect the historic character, for example brick, render, clay tile, slate, stone and lime-based mortars.

Charlton Village Conservation Area
a. Any future development or redevelopment in the Conservation Area, including infill and back garden development, should be architecturally in keeping with adjacent buildings and appropriate in scale and massing.
b. The density of any housing scheme or development should be informed by local circumstances and site constraints, including the required housing mix, and need to protect or enhance the local environment, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, heritage assets, and important landscape, habitats and townscape.
c. Materials for buildings and boundary walls should reflect the historic character, for example brick, render, clay tile, slate, stone and lime-based mortars; and
d. Development should preserve or enhance the local character of the landscape and not have an unacceptable impact on important views.

Charlton, South East, North West and West Wantage Character Areas
a. Any future developments should provide sufficient amenity open space to ameliorate the deficiencies in the existing estates and reduce their dependence on borrowed landscapes.
b. Development should respect the character of the relevant area in its architectural style, scale, massing and materials.
c. The density of any housing scheme or development should be informed by local circumstances and site constraints, including the required housing mix, and need to protect or enhance the local environment, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, heritage assets, and important landscape, habitats and townscape.

South West Wantage Character Area
Proposals for development will only be supported where it can be demonstrated that;
a. the open character of this important natural landscape will be maintained;
b. Development should preserve or enhance the local character of the landscape and not have an unacceptable impact on important views; and
c. The density of any housing scheme or development should be informed by local circumstances and site constraints, including the required housing mix, and need to protect or enhance the local environment, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, heritage assets, and important landscape, habitat and townscape.

Question: Do you support these policies?

Question Title

* 8. Optional comments on Design – Character Areas

Question Title

* 9. Design – Housing Types

Proposals for housing development should be in accordance with the character of the areas and to meet the needs of current and future households in Wantage including home workers.

Proposals for housing development incorporating bungalows and opportunities for self-build schemes will be encouraged provided they are in accordance with the development management policies of the development plan.
Question: Do you support these policies?

Question Title

* 10. Optional comments on Design – Housing Types

Question Title

* 11. Green Infrastructure Network 

The Neighbourhood Plan identifies a Green Infrastructure Network, as shown on the Wantage Green Infrastructure Concept Map.

Development proposals on land that lies within the Green Infrastructure Network will be supported where they:
i. Demonstrate how they sustain or enhance the visual characteristics, the function and biodiversity of the land; and

ii. Have regard to how their landscape schemes, layouts, access and public open space provision and other amenity requirements may contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the Network.’

Question: Do you support these policies?

Question Title

* 12. Optional comments on Green Infrastructure Network

Question Title

* 13. Green Infrastructure – Letcombe Brook 

As appropriate to their scale and nature new development proposals should minimize impacts on and provide net gains for the biodiversity value of the Letcombe Brook.

Development proposals should:
i. Conserve, restore and enhance the biodiversity, of the Letcombe Brook and its tributaries including Manor Road Spring and the Humber Ditch.
ii. The landscape, of the Letcombe Brook and its tributaries including Manor Road Spring and Humber Ditch should be protected from harmful development and where possible enhanced.
iii. The recreational value of the Letcombe Brook and its tributaries including Manor Road Spring and Humber Ditch should be protected from harmful development and where possible enhanced.
iv. Include a long-term landscape and ecological management plan for the Brook, buffer strip and corridor;
v. Provide or retain a minimum 10m natural green buffer between the top of the river-bank and the development in urban areas adjacent to the Letcombe Brook; and
vi. Have regard to the landscape and design guidance set out in the ‘Letcombe Brook – Planning Guidance for landowners and developers’ in Appendix 1

Question: Do you support these policies?

Question Title

* 14. Optional comments on Green Infrastructure – Letcombe Brook 

Question Title

* 15. Green Infrastructure – Local Green Spaces 

The Neighbourhood Plan designates Local Green Spaces in the following locations, as shown on the Policies Maps on pages 37-39:
i. Manor Road Memorial Recreation Ground
ii. Betjeman Park
iii. Humber Ditch and the adjacent green spaces
iv. Letcombe Wildlife Corridor (including Willow Walk Nature Reserve)
v. Alfred’s Well
New development will not be supported on land designated as Local Green Space unless in very special circumstances.

Question: Do you support these policies?

Question Title

* 16. Optional comments on Green Infrastructure – Local Green Spaces

Question Title

* 17. Infrastructure Investment

Development proposals of a scale that are likely to significantly increase the demand for local services and infrastructure will only be supported if they can demonstrate that:
i. Either there is sufficient spare capacity in the existing services and
infrastructure in the Wantage area; or
ii. It is feasible to increase the capacity of those services and infra structure in the Wantage area in a timely manner to serve the development.

Question: Do you support these policies?

Question Title

* 18. Optional comments on Infrastructure Investment

Question Title

* 19. Community Facilities 

It is an aspiration that development proposals will be required to make proportionate financial contributions to key local services and infrastructure improvement projects through planning obligations and the Community Infrastructure Levy as appropriate.

The following key projects are anticipated to be the main focus of this investment in the plan period:
i. Traffic Management proposals, including improvements to the Market Place;
ii. Green infrastructure network including maintenance and enhancement of existing green spaces and improvements to pavements and footpaths;
iii. Cycle ways within and linking Wantage to adjacent areas;
iv. Provision of education from pre-school to secondary;
v. Provision of healthcare and dental care facilities;
vi. Community and/or other projects that may be deemed relevant at the time, such as for youth provision or recreation.

Question: Do you support these policies?

Question Title

* 20. Optional comments on Community Facilities 

Question Title

* 21. Community Assets

Development proposals that will result in either the loss of or significant harm to a designated Asset of Community Value will be resisted, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that the operation of the asset, or the ongoing delivery of the community value of the asset, is no longer financially viable.

Proposals to improve the viability of a designated Asset of Community Value, or of any other established community use by way of the extension or partial redevelopment of buildings and land will be supported, provided the design of the scheme and the resulting increase in use are appropriate in design terms and will not harm the amenities of adjoining residential properties.
Question: Do you support these policies?

Question Title

* 22. Optional comments on Community Assets

Question Title

* 23. Optional comments on any aspect of the neighbourhood plan not discussed previously

Question Title

* 24. The next questions focus on you to ensure that we have captured representative views from across the population of Wantage Town. They are all optional. Any information shared with us will not be used for any other purpose and will not be shared beyond Wantage Town Council, its officers or councillors in accordance with GDPR.

What is your gender?

Question Title

* 25. What is your age bracket?

Question Title

* 26. Postcode of your residence?