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Welcome to the first ever global Catholic Church public engagement survey. This survey is open to Catholics and non-Catholics alike of all ages and will take approximately 12 minutes to complete. You will also be entered into a prize draw for a £20 Traidcraft voucher if you provide your contact details at the end of the survey.

The objective of this research is to help the Catholic Church to understand the priorities of Catholics and other groups, to inform the journey of the church for a generation. We really want to hear from you about your views and experiences of the Catholic Church. Please answer as honestly as you can.

Privacy notice: We will not be collecting any mandatory personal information in this survey that could lead to you being identified. This excludes the optional contact last question where you will be asked to provide contact details to opt into further research. This information will be managed in accordance with GDPR guidelines and not shared with any third parties under any circumstances. This data will also be deleted 3 months from completion of the research activities/prize draw.
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