Question Title

* 1. Diabetes Patient Support (DiPs) Programme
You said: Found the title Diabetes Patient Structured Education very confusing and some found the name patronising. 

We did: A new programme name has been created which we feel explains what the programme does much more. 

What do you think this is a better name?

Question Title

* 2. Knowledge of Education for patients with diabetes
You said: There was limited information and knowledge in the Bolton community regarding the current Type 2 diabetes education sessions. The current sessions have very low uptake. 

We did: Create a new leaflet which will be given to patients by their GP practice to let them know about the new programme and how to access it. Will a leaflet work for you?

Question Title

* 3. Booking system
You said: Current sessions are structured as an informal drop in for patients recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes which leads to very low turnout for each session. A session was arranged by a Bolton GP for 15 patients to attend. 15 patients were invited and 15 patients attended.

We did: This told us that a booking system with a referral from a GP practice should be introduced to allow everyone to have the opportunity to access the programme. The DiPS Programme will have referral process for bookings from GP practice to the service.  

Through this new booking system, would you book onto an education session? 

Question Title

* 4. Evening sessions
You said: The session with 15 patients was successful because it was held in an evening. This told us that more patients would like to attend these sessions but need them to take place in an evening as many work during the day.

We did: As a result, the new DiPS Programme will give patients the option to attend sessions in the evening. 

Would evening sessions work for you?

Question Title

* 5. Retention of information
You said: Concerns about having too much information given too quickly and it was difficult to retain. The session held for 15 patients allowed the GP the opportunity to follow patients up to understand if they had remembered information around the 9 care processes. Some patients found it difficult to remember everything from one session.

We did: As a result, the DiPS programme will now be spread across three sessions, allowing patients to take in and retain all the information around their condition in manageable portions.

Would this be better for you?

Question Title

* 6. Different venues
You said: Patients surveyed said they would like sessions to be more local and closer to home.

We did: The DiPS programme will have at least two venues compared to the current one venue.

Would sessions closer to where you live be better for you?

Question Title

* 7. Insulin
The medicines safety collaborative is looking at improving insulin safety throughout Bolton in terms of prescribing, dispensing and administration including transitions of care i.e. when a patient is admitted or discharged.

If you take insulin, what matters to you about your insulin?