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* 1. Do you agree to take part in the Project by answering some questions in this survey?
You should only agree to take part in the Project if you understand what this will mean for you. If you complete the rest of this Form, you will be confirming to us that:
 You have had the opportunity to ask questions;
 You understand that:
o Your participation is voluntary. You can stop participating in research activities at any time without giving a reason, and you are free to decline to answer any particular question(s).
o If you withdraw from participating in the Project, you may not always be able to withdraw all of your data from further use within the Project, particularly once we have anonymised your data and we can no longer identify you.
o Data you provide may be used in an anonymised form by the research team to support other research projects in the future, including future publications, reports or presentations.

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* 2. How often do you top rope, sport, auto-belay or trad climb?

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* 3. How often do you film yourself or friends climbing

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* 4. How many people do you generally go climbing with?

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* 5. What would the most important features be on a camera that follows a climber up the wall?

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* 6. How much would you be willing to spend on a product of this nature?

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* 7. Where would you most commonly use a product like this