
About this research:

Our industry is rapidly evolving, technology is continuously pushing the boundaries of field service efficiency whilst simultaneously customer expectations are becoming ever more demanding. Companies like Uber and Amazon have disrupted the very concepts of what good service looks like, shifting the goal posts and creating a race across almost industry verticals for companies to embrace service excellence.

At the same time digital transformation is the other major trend sweeping across our sector – one direct side effect of which is that increasingly the FSE is often the only face to face human interaction between a company and their customers.

So what does this mean for the FSE of tomorrow? How is their role evolving? What are the skills that will be vital to their role and how do these differ from those that we have previously sought in our FSEs?

This research project undertaken by Field Service News and ServiceMax aims to explore this topic and build a picture of what the FSE of tomorrow will look like and what role does the growing importance of technology in field service delivery play in shaping the way we approach acquiring, training, and developing talent within the field service sector?

This survey is intended for field service professionals only and as a thank you for taking the time to complete the survey you will be entered into a prize draw with 3 x £50 Amazon vouchers plus a number of free tickets for the field service conference Maximize taking place in Berlin this November are also available.

The survey should take you no more than 5 minutes to complete and on the final page there will be an opportunity for you to enter the prize draw.

Click the next button below to begin the survey