Thank you for taking part in this consultation

The Scottish Injecting Equipment Provision (IEP) Guidelines for services providing people who use drugs with harm reduction equipment and advice have been updated.

It has been recognised that since the launch of the original guidelines in 2010, there has been much change in the way drugs of many types are used and in the evidence behind why we deliver a variety of interventions.

It is hoped the new guidelines will help deliver enhanced provision of IEP that has a large impact on mortality and morbidity among people who use drugs.

An IEP Guidance Group of key experts has been working together to deliver this.

As someone working in the field or who may influence services, we feel it’s very important to have your views on the revised guidance as part of this process. To this end, we would like you to review the draft document and make comment through completing this questionnaire, which looks at the key operational facets of the document. The consultation process will be facilitated by Scottish Drugs Forum and we look forward to your comments and suggestions as we come to finalise the document and get it into wider circulation.

The survey covers sections 3-6 and does not include Section 1-2, as these consist of an introduction and background to the Guidelines.

You will require the draft IEP Guidelines to complete this survey, which can be found here -