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This survey is anonymous and the information you provide will be used to help us understand how youth workers view the church’s engagement with young people around sex and relationships.

This survey is for paid or volunteer youth workers, working within church youth ministry in the UK.
Thank you for your help!

Question Title

* 1. In churches you have been part of, which of the following messages about sex do you think have been communicated to young people?

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* 2. What is the impact of the way this church/these churches relate to young people about sex?

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* 3. If you were trying to describe how the UK church's engagement with young people in this area has changed over the last 10 years, what would you identify as the key shifts?

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* 4. When does the topic of sex come up in your work with young people?

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* 5. How often have you initiated conversations with young people about sex in the last year?

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* 6. What are the barriers to initiating these conversations with young people?

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* 7. What would motivate you to have these conversations with young people?

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* 8. Which of the following topics are most important to cover when talking to young people about sex? Please choose your top five (this can be over time, not just in one chat!)

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* 9. What has been most helpful in shaping your response to young people on the topic of sex?

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* 10. Which of the following would help you feel more equipped to engage young people in conversation about sex?

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