Sporty People personal hygiene and prevention measures

Leaders, guides and instructors will measure their temperature, will use a protective mask when the law indicates it, and always when they address the participants in closer situations.

The workers will carry in their equipment a bottle of hydroalcoholic gel for use both at the beginning and at the end of each activity.

Workers will use protective gloves and hydroalcoholic gel in case they have to carry out any first aid intervention with a participant.

Participants agree to use hydroalcohlic gel also both at the beginning and end of each activity (they can renew it anytime they wish as well)

Participants will bring their own mask when the law indicates obligatory use or when the minimum distance of 2m can't be respected.

Participants agree to have no physical contact between workers and participants or between participants (except, of course, between family members or people who live in the same household)

Participants agree to, throughout the activity, maintain the safety  2m distance between them.

All reservations must have been paid in advance through our website on

Participants hereby declare, by signing this form, that they do not have symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and that they've taken their own temperature the morning of the activity and it's a maximum of 37 ºC .

In case of not allowing the participation of a participant for having shown a temperature reading equal to, or greater than, 37 C, Sporty People will issue a voucher for another activity within a period of 6 months from the date of the first reservation. The amount paid will not be refunded. This will only be possible when the participant prevents the guide. No-shows are not refundable.

PARTICIPANTS will abide to the maximum number of people per group declared by the regulations on the time of the hike.

Participants declare that they participate willingly and aware of the risks that any social activity engages regarding COVID-19, do not hold Sporty People responsible of any future infection and will contact Sporty People to notify if they are tested positive after 15 days or less from participating in an event

Question Title

* 1. I have read and agree to the COVID-19 safety measures above described

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* 2. FULL NAME (If you're the person who made the reservation through Meetup, please add also the name you're signed up to Meetup with. If you're a guest, please add the name of the group member who added you to the activity)