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* 1. Is the RSE Policy clearly written and easy to understand?

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* 2. After reading the “The Right to Withdraw” section of our RSE Policy do you understand how the request to withdraw your child from the elements of sex education that are not taught as part of the compulsory national science curriculum?

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* 3. After reading the “The Right to Withdraw” do you understand which parts of the RSE curriculum you are able to withdraw your child from?

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* 4. Do you think that our RSE Policy and Curriculum cover all of the topics required by the DfE? Those topics are set out at Appendix 2 of our RSE Policy?

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* 5. To what extent do you agree with the following statement about our RSE Policy and Curriculum: “I feel confident that my child will be taught about the range of RSE topics required by the DfE at an appropriate stage in their development, in a way that is sensitive to their cultural or religious background and in a way that respects the dignity and equality of all students”.

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* 6. Is there anything that you feel is missing from the policy?

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* 7. Would you like some aspects of the sexual health and intimate sexual relationships taught in single sex classrooms