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* 1. Please tick your age

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* 2. Please tick which educational setting you currently attend.

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* 3. Were you able to access green space such as a garden, park or countryside during your time in lockdown?

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* 4. If you answered no to question 1, did this negatively affect your mental health during this time?

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* 5. If you answered yes to question 1, did this have a positive affect on your mental health during this time?

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* 6. To what extent do you agree with the following statements:
Being outside and connected to nature was important to me during lockdown

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* 7. Being outside and in natural surroundings helped my mental health during lockdown

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* 8. Lockdown has increased the importance of nature in my everyday life

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* 9. I would like my local government to put the environment at the centre of any future decision making 

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* 10. Are there any positive environmental changes you have seen during the lockdown that you would like to become the norm after this crisis? For example: Less cars on the road, safer routes for cycling etc. Please also state why.

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