Study Explanation

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. I am a 4th year student studying International Fashion Branding (BA/Hons) at Glasgow Caledonian University. As part of my degree, I am required to complete a dissertation project in a specific research area, related to my course. I have chosen to explore the effects that independent fashion bloggers have on female consumers (aged 18-30) online purchases.

If you are not a female aged 18-30 then this questionnaire is not suitable to your demographic and thank you for your time.

This questionnaire has been designed to gain a more in-depth understanding of the consumer behaviour of females aged 18-30. It will assess how independent fashion bloggers impact the purchase decisions of this demographic when shopping online.

The questionnaire should take around 6 minutes to complete. The questionnaire that you will undertake is for academic purposes only and Please be assured that all answers will remain completely anonymous.

Your help at this stage of my degree is really appreciated, and if you have any questions about the research or questionnaire please do not hesitate to contact me:

Christiana Papanthimou

Question Title

* 1. How often do you make fashion related purchases online?

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* 2. How often do you browse fashion related websites?

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* 3. In a typical month, how much money do you spend on fashion related items?

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* 4. What websites do you mostly purchase from?

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* 5. Do you visit bloggers websites to read their blog posts?

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* 6. How often do you visit a particular blog you like?

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* 7. How do you interact with fashion bloggers most? (Tick as many as appropriate)

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* 8. On average, how many fashion bloggers do you follow?

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* 9. On average, how often do you visit a particular instagram account of a blogger you like?

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* 10. When are you most likley to engage with a blog? (Tick as many as appropriate)

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* 11. What type of device do you use the most when engaging with blogs? 

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* 12. In order of their importance, what do you consider important when reading fashion blogs/viewing bloggers Instagram accounts? (Put these into a ranking order:1 being most important)

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* 13. In order of their importance, what do you hope to gain from reading blogs? (Put these into a ranking order: 1 being most important)

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* 14. What features do you like most about blogs? (Tick as many as appropriate)

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* 15. What features do you like least about blogs? (Tick as many as appropriate)

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* 16. To what extent do you agree with the following statements. (Please consider your answers carefully and select the most relevant option for each individual statement)

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
'Fashion Bloggers influence my online purchases'
'Fashion Bloggers introduce me to products and/or brands I never knew about'
'I trust new products and/or brands as a result of a fashion blogger posting about it'
'I consult fashion blogs first about a particular product and/or brand that I am considering buying'
'Fashion blogs help to make my overall decision making process easier'

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* 17. If fashion bloggers are encouraging your online purchases, how are they doing this? (Tick as many as appopriate)

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* 18. Fashion bloggers encourage me to purchase more if they: (Tick as many as appropriate)

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* 19. To what extent do you agree with the following statements. (Please consider your answers carefully and select the most relevant option for each individual statement)

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor  disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
'Bloggers with a high readership or following are more credible in my opinion'
'Bloggers who are more credible make me purchase more'
'Bloggers who promote a number of conflicting brands at once are untrustworthy' (e.g. budget brands and luxury brands)
'Bloggers who appear to be promoting brands/products through paid advertisements put me off purchasing'
'I forget about bloggers who do not post frequently enough'
'Bloggers who post too often annoy me'

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* 20. Bloggers who post sponsored ads are: (Tick as many as appropriate)

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* 21. What is your employment status? (Tick as many as appropriate)

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* 22. If you answered 'student' what are you studying? (If not, leave blank)

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* 23. What is your age?