We are local community members who are on the Board of the Island of Hoy Development Trust (IOHDT) which was registered as a charity in 2007 with the aim of developing the economic, social and cultural sustainability of our community.

In 2011 IOHDT undertook a community survey in which it sought out the priorities for Hoy and Walls for the next few years. We want to know if these things are still important to you, and what else you think about life on Hoy & Walls. 
We know that since the last survey there has been significant change within the area, new people moving in and a number of our young folk staying and making their life here.  In addition, the community now has its own bus service, the YM has been improved, the community turbine is operating well, with various groups and individuals in the community benefiting from the grants available from the output of this.

Having delivered on a number of ambitions from the 2011 survey, we want to work with the community and other community organisations to develop a local action plan by asking you what you would like to happen in Hoy and Walls now, and going forward in order to sustain the community. There are, of course, some things that are not within our remit to provide, but we can influence and campaign on such issues if they are important to local people, and we want to hear your ideas for the community.

Please help us by answering the questions below and we would love to hear from as many people as possible across all age ranges. 

All information collected will be held in confidence by IOHDT and no identifying details will be used in any reporting or feedback. The 'about you' data is separate from your main responses so that you know your answers are completely anonymous.

If more than one person in your household would like to complete the survey, please encourage them to do so, by:

- If using paper copies, calling the office to get a copy emailed or posted.
- If online, refresh the Surveymonkey page and input another response.
- If you would like some help to complete the survey please contact the office.

There are copies of the survey in the following places - please encourage anyone you know who is not online, to complete a paper copy: 

The Trust office, Groats Shop, Doctors Surgery, Hoy Head, Hoy Kirk, YM and Lyness Waiting Room

The closing date for ALL completed questionnaires is Friday 30th March. Postal address: IOHDT, Revenge, Naval Hall, Longhope, Orkney, KW16 3PG

Contact: liz.davidson.iohdt@gmail.com / dea.johnston.iohdt@gmail.com

Tel: 01856 701356  

Question Title

* 1. What do you like best about living on Hoy & Walls?

Question Title

* 2. What do you like least about living on Hoy & Walls?

Question Title

* 3. Please put any ideas/ solutions that you think will help improve the things you dislike in the box below

Question Title

* 4. To what extent do you feel your community caters for the following  groups?

  To a great extent To some extent Not really Not at all Don't know
Parents and toddlers
Young children
Young people aged 18-25
New residents to the area
People of working age
People of retirement age
Minority groups
Other (specify below)

Question Title

* 5. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Hoy & Walls have:

  Agree strongly Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Disagree strongly
Adequate private housing
Adequate social housing
A vibrant community
Good local shop(s)
Good primary school
Good access to secondary school
An accessible GP surgery
Adequate roads
Adequate public transport (including ferry services)
Ways of making my voice heard in the community
Appropriate job opportunities (all people)
Appropriate job opportunities (young people)
Appropriate and adequate home care
Local facilities on the island are well used

Question Title

* 6. A recent survey (Your Island Your Choice) found that the top priorities of those living on Hoy & Walls were broadband connections, work & the local economy, ways of getting around the island and housing. We would like to know a bit more....

  Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Does not apply to me
How satisfied are you with the service provided by the community bus?
How satisfied are you with the service provided by Orkney Ferries?
How satisfied are you with your current broadband provision?

Question Title

* 7. Overall, to what extent do you feel part of the community?

Question Title

* 8. Taking all of the above into consideration, how satisfied are you with Hoy & Walls as a place to live?

Question Title

* 9. Please use this box for any further comments or suggestions you may have to put forward to a local action plan.

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33% of survey complete.