
HANDIHEAT is a €2m funded project led by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) and supported by the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme (NPA) and the EU European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to fund research that will tackle fuel poverty, identify renewable energy solutions and improve energy efficiency in rural homes across Northern Europe. The programme focuses on energy performance in rural housing and public infrastructure challenges in peripheral and arctic regions. You can find out more about the HANDIHEAT project here: http://handiheatproject.eu/
Why have I been asked to complete this survey?
As part of the programme, National Energy Action are working with the project lead to gather stakeholder views and experiences of addressing rural fuel poverty and the role of renewables and low carbon technologies. This survey aims to gather insights of current practice, models and funding mechanisms, key policies and areas under or in need of development. 

You are being asked to complete this survey as someone with experience of working in this area. 

About this survey

This survey will ask for your views on policies and measures to address fuel poverty, and in particular rural fuel poverty, as well as the role of renewable and low carbon technologies. We will also ask you about associated funding models and mechanisms that can be used to deliver these fuel poverty interventions and technologies to rural and remote communities.

In this survey we use the term fuel poverty to broadly signify households that cannot keep adequately warm at an affordable cost. In the EU and across Europe, this is typically referred to as energy poverty. While we use the term fuel poverty throughout the survey, we welcome responses that refer to energy poverty or other similar terms (e.g. energy poor, energy vulnerability/precarity) in their contributions. 

This survey is also not prescriptive about what constitutes a renewable or low carbon energy technology. These technologies may include, but are not limited to, heating technologies such as heat pumps, microgeneration technologies such as wind, solar, and hydro, and approaches to building standards such as passive house. We welcome views on which combinations of different technologies may be most suitable for addressing rural fuel poverty. We are also interested in gathering views on the role of other policies, measures, and support systems in tackling rural fuel poverty. This includes, but is not limited to, energy efficiency measures such as insulation and heating interventions, including heating controls; advice based measures such as energy efficiency advice and supporting households in fuel poverty with billing or to switch energy supplier; social tariffs and energy bill rebates; and any other social support/income support measures such as Winter Fuel Payments and Cold Weather Payments or similar. 

Taking part in this survey

To navigate through this survey, please use the next and previous buttons at the bottom of each page and not the back and forward buttons of your internet browser. You may need to scroll down to reveal these buttons and/or more questions. You can go forward and back through the survey to review or change your responses until you exit the survey. We advise that you try to complete all questions in one session. If you need to take a break please leave your browser open so you can return to it later. If you experience any issues when completing this survey please contact matthew.scott@nea.org.uk

Some questions in this survey might not be applicable or relevant to the work that you/your organisation does. Please feel free to skip questions that you think are not applicable to your own work. 

Data Protection

NEA will use the collective and anonymised responses given in this survey to inform work as part of the HANDIHEAT project investigating fuel poverty, renewable energy solutions and ways to improve energy efficiency in rural homes across Northern Europe. Your individual responses will be treated in confidence and no personally identifiable data will be shared with any other party without your consent.

Thank you very