Ham Road Former Civic Centre Staff Car Park, Shoreham Public Consultation, 26 June 2017

Introduction to Questionnaire
Adur District Council is currently embarking on an exciting redevelopment of the above site to accommodate a new commercial office scheme. The Car Park site is to the north of the recently demolished former Adur Council Civic Centre building and next to the car park serving Dunelm Mill.

A contractor, Willmott Dixon, and a full design team have been appointed to progress a range of technical assessments and designs. The team are working towards a full planning application being submitted in late July for determination in the Autumn.

The proposed development is for a four storey office building with car parking (part open, part undercroft) and landscaping. The building will provide approximately 2,300m2 net usable floorspace and is anticipated to support around 200 jobs.

The Council vacated the Adur Civic Centre in 2013 and relocated its front line staff. Relocation resulted in the Ham Road Car Park no longer being as intensively used. Temporary public car parking of the site has been allowed in recent years, with the intention that this will cease when the site was required for development. The Car Park closed on the 1st June 2017.

A public consultation period is being held to allow the local community, neighbours and other stakeholders an opportunity to view emerging development proposals.

The Council is committed to supporting local businesses, encouraging economic development and promoting and implementing regeneration schemes. The Council seeks to take a proactive role in the delivery of strategic development – objectives which fully align with this project.

After you have had time to review the exhibition boards and/or discuss the proposals with our team, please take a moment to fill in our questionnaire. 

There will be a further opportunity to comment as part of the planning application process. If you wish to receive emails to keep you up to date in relation to the project, please provide your email address as part of the signing-in sheet, or email consultation@stridetreglown.com.

You can use this email address to provide supplemental comments if you wish. Please include “Ham Road Car Park” in the subject line of your email.

Please be assured that any answers you give will be treated as strictly confidential. We appreciate your time in attending the exhibition.