Name of Researcher (Student):  Carys Dalton
Name of Research Supervisor: Professor Zoe Knowles  
School of Sport and Exercise Science, Faculty of Science, LJMU


Contact details: E-mail:
You are being invited to take part in a student research study. Before you decide it is important that you understand why the research is being done and what it involves. Please take time to read the following information. Ask us if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. Take time to decide if you want to take part or not.

You may be able to take part in the study if you are aged 18 or over, Male athlete currently training and competing (at least once a month) at national or above level in an aesthetic sport.
1.    What is the purpose of the study?
The research questions that will be answered in this study are: What are the perceived weight pressures of males in aesthetic sports? What are the perceived causes of body dissatisfaction? How do potential weight pressures and body dissatisfaction impact eating disorder symptomology?
2.    Do I have to take part?
No. It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do you will be given this information sheet and will be giving implied consent. You are still free to withdraw at any time throughout the survey and without giving a reason. A decision to withdraw will not affect any future treatment.

3.    What will happen to me if I take part?
You will answer a set of questions via There are 3 psychometric tests to evaluation weight pressures in sport, body satisfaction for men and eating disorder examination questionnaire.

4.    Are there any risks, discomforts, benefits involved?
The survey will be completed at the participants own discretion in their own home or if in public locations, ensuring that it cannot be viewed by others. The researcher aims to ensure that any potential risks to which you may be exposed to have been minimised. The research topic can be deemed as a sensitive area; the researcher will try to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible throughout and try to ensure that the questions are not invasive. If at any time you are feeling uncomfortable, you will not be forced to answer any questions and there will be option to take a break from the survey process and continue at a later time. Following the study support and guidance can be supplied where applicable upon request.

5.    Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?
All data collected from you remains strictly confidential between you and the researcher and the survey will be completed anonymously. Information from participants will not be shared with other participants or any third party. Only the researcher will know the answers given to questions and no names will be linked to direct comments written in the report as it is an anonymous process.

All information/data collected will be stored confidentially and only accessed by members of the research team. Only the researcher will have access to the completed psychometric tests and needs a password to access on All transferred data will be securely stored as a file on the university’s secure M: drive, only accessible by the researcher. 

Relevant advice and support will be provided if you feel it is necessary during or after the completion of the interview, please contact the researcher directly via e-mail for this support.
This study has received ethical approval from the School of Sport & Exercise Sciences Research Ethics Committee: Approval reference M18SPS036

Contact Details of Researcher  Carys Dalton
Liverpool John Moores University

Question Title

* 1. I have read the information provided and I am happy to participate. I understand by completing and submitting this questionnaire I am consenting to be part of the research study and for my data to be used.