Forward Plan 2019-23

Review of the Forward Plan 2019-2023
The Parish Council's Forward Plan, drawn up in 2018 in consultation with residents and outlined for action during 2019-23, has now reached its maturity. The Council has reviewed this Forward Plan and. for environmental reasons, the illustrated, summary report will be available online on our website and in printed form, when requested, from the Council office for reference. The report highlights the work of the Parish Council on items within their remit that the residents of Bishop's Waltham wished to be considered. Many successes can be noted including creating a Southern Shared Pathway to link new estates with the town's facilities, additional tree planting on Council land. a new play area at Montague Road, an extended car park at Jubilee Hall, new automatic entry doors at Jubilee Hall,  new boilers at Priory Park Clubhouse and Parish Council organised events such as Party in the Park, Platinum Jubilee High Street Party and the Coronation Celebration. In addition to these projects should be noted the ongoing maintenance of all play parks and green spaces, lobbying on services for provision of health care, library and buses, regular newsletters to every household and continued monthly Councillors' Surgeries to engage with residents.