HE Support Checker

Are you eligible for extra funding and support at University?

These questions will help you find out if you could be eligible for Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs), or extra support from your place of study.
DSAs are funding from the UK Government can be paid to UK students in higher education and can cover all sorts of extra costs. They do not have to be paid back.
Once they know about your needs your place of study can also provide a range of support options and adjustments to help you succeed.
We estimate that as many as half the students who are eligible for DSAs and other support don't know they can claim - often because they don't think of themselves as disabled.
For example, you may be eligible for support if you have dyslexia, if you have diabetes, or if you have a mental health condition.
This checker is provided by AbilityNet, a UK charity that supports disabled people at home, at work and in education.
You do not need to provide any personal details to use this eligibility checker and there is nothing to identify you as you complete the questions. 
You simply answer a series of questions and will then be given links to relevant information.
The services we link to could require you to add your personal details but that information will not be stored in this checker.
Please Note
This eligibility checker is provided as an indication only and is not a guarantee that you will receive funding or extra support.

For any questions about the accuracy of this checker please contact AbilityNet by email