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* 1. What parts of the Voice Collective service have you used?

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* 2. How did you find out about Voice Collective?

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* 3. How often do you use our service?

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* 4. How long have you used our service for?

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* 5. What do you find the most helpful about Voice Collective?

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* 6. What would you like to change about Voice Collective?

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* 7. After using Voice Collective, do you agree with any of the following statements?

  Not at all A little Quite a bit A lot N/A
I feel less alone
I can talk to more people about my child's voices or visions
I feel less upset or distressed
I know more ways to help my child cope with voices and visions
I know more about where to get support when I need it
I feel more hopeful about my child's future
I feel better about myself

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* 8. Everyone is different. Every change is different too. If you feel something has gotten easier or has changed for you (and/or your child) since using Voice Collective - please tell us about it here.

Maybe it's the first time you've told someone about your child's voices. Maybe you've felt more able to talk with your child about the voices they hear. Maybe you feel more hopeful about your child's future. Maybe you gave someone else some advice you found on the site. Changes don't have to be huge for them to be important!

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* 9. We are applying for funding to help Voice Collective continue. If you could meet one of our funders, what would you say to them to help them realise how important it is that Voice Collective continues?

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* 10. Can you tell us a bit about yourself (so that we can make sure we reach a range of people)