Place & Housing

Thank you for contributing to the conversation on how we build a better future together.

This section is about demography, place and housing. If you'd like to contribute on other topics, you can find them here.

Feel free to answer whichever questions you feel are relevant to you. You can revisit and answer more questions as you wish.

These questions are intended to gain an understanding about the challenges and opportunities in our area. In future we will look at priorities and solutions.
Feel free to write as much as you think is relevant. Please reference any research or data you think would be helpful. If you need to submit supporting evidence via email, please send it to

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* 1. How does the lack of affordable housing and/or our mix of housing stock affect growth and productivity?

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* 2. How does quality of place shape decisions by people about where they live?

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* 3. What is the role of villages and market towns in a globally connected world?

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* 4. How are economic trends influencing the housing market?