This survey will ask questions about environmental policy bulletin services. These typically take the form of paid or unpaid subscriptions which provide newsletters, news digest, regulatory updates, commentary on policy, or other updates about the latest developments in regulation and environmental policy. Examples include Essential Environment, ENDS Report, Air Quality News,, and EnvironmentAnalyst.

Question Title

* 1. Do you currently receive any environmental policy bulletins or newsletters?

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* 2. Have you received any other environmental policy bulletins or newsletters in the past? Please state which

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* 3. Were these useful or interesting, and why?

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* 4. For the bulletins you stopped receiving, what caused you to unsubscribe? Answer N/A if not applicable

Question Title

* 5. How useful have you found the information you receive from these services?

Not at all useful Extremely useful
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 6. Have you ever applied the information you received from a bulletin to your work?

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* 7. Would you be interested in subscribing to environmental policy bulletins in the future (e.g. regulatory and policy updates, sectoral news, and consultation information)?

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* 8. Why/why not?

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* 9. What level would you be interested in receiving policy information about?

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* 10. What policy areas or environmental topics would you be interested in receiving information about?

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* 11. What would you most like to see in this kind of publication (such as a newsletter, news digest, or regulatory scanner)?

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* 12. How would you want to receive updates?

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* 13. How regularly would you want to receive updates?

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* 14. How long would you want updates to take to read?

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* 15. What services would you want a subscription to provide?

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* 16. How much would you be willing to pay for an annual subscription to this kind of service?