1. Expanding curious imagination & encouraging creative styling with an African Print Subscription

Hey fellow prints lover!

Ahead of potentially launching a new venture this autumn, I'd love some insight from you. I plan to launch an African print subscription box business with a box for (a) the crafty home sewist and a box for (b) the African print headwrap lover.

Imagine having a unique "treasure" box delivered to your door, addressed to you or gifted to a friend, packed full of print fabric that are coming all the way from Africa!

The sewers hobby box option is filled with curated prints and swatches of African fabrics in cotton, stretch, silk and more! Each month the box would include one sewing kit project with an aim is to tell a story about Africa from a textile and craft perspective that expands your curiosity and opens your imagination to things you can make whether clothing, accessories or homeware.

For the stylists box imagine an endless supply of colourful prints to adorn your crown to encouraging creative styling, sent monthly or choose bi-monthly. A unique box filled with readymade headwraps, bonnets for bed and printed Alice style bands all made in Africa. PLUS gain headwrap tutorials and access to our Wax+Wrap parties! Say goodbye to bad hair days!

I'm really keen to know what you think. If you've got a few minutes to answer 9 questions that would be amazing.

Thank you, Jacqueline x

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* 1. Based on the description above, would you be likely to buy a Wax+Wraps African Print Subscription Box?

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* 3. If YES, what would make you more likely to sign up for a subscription box? (Select all that apply)

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* 5. FOR SEWERS - How many fabrics would you like there to be in a box? or How many items would you expect to see in a monthly subscription box?

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* 6. FOR STYLISTS & HEADWRAP WEARERS - How many headwraps would you like there to be in a box?

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* 7. How much would you be willing to pay for an African Print Subscription Box (note: for craft box with 1 project and 3 fabrics / for headwrap box with 2 headwraps)

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* 8. Would you prefer boxes to be delivered:

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* 9. If you were to buy an African print subscription box which elements would be important to you?
(Select as many as relevant)

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* 10. Please provide your email address if you'd like to be the first to hear about the box launch