Permaculture workshop weekend

There has been a growing interest in people wanting to continue (and to start) their journey into Permaculture, and Ludwig Appletans of Earthways has kindly come up with the following suggestions for our first Permaculture weekend of the year.
Please let us know which you would like to attend asap.
We need a minimum number to make the course viable and to keep the costs down as much as possible. 
If you are interested in being added to the mailing list for future events please fill in your details and we hope to be in touch later. 

Question Title

* 1. Which of these workshops would you be interested in?

Question Title

* 2.

If you cannot attend this weekend what workshops would you be interested in?

If you can .. what OTHER workshops would you be interested in?

Question Title

* 3. If you cannot do this weekend can you indicate your preference for future events

Question Title

* 4. do you have any mobility or food or other limitations that it would be good for the organisers to know about?

Question Title

* 5. please give your full contact information