Welcome to Our Survey

We are currently working with Taylor & Francis publishers on an edited book that aims to return to some of the most relevant single cases in the memory literature and review their contribution in the light of current memory models. The overall aim is to provide a discussion forum on whether or not we should continue to care about these neuropsychological data in developing cognitive models of memory.

We would like to determine whether colleagues working in Psychology and related disciplines believe that single cases and neuropsychology in general are relevant when thinking about models of normal mind functioning. Therefore, we would invite you to fill in this very brief, anonymous questionnaire.

It is completely up to you to decide whether or not to take part in this on-line study. Once you have decided to take part, you are still free to withdraw at any time. Unless you give consent to be identified, all responses will be kept strictly confidential.

Participation in this study is limited to people who are aged 18 or over. By clicking on the “Next” button you are giving consent to participate in this research.