Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Survey - OCD Action

Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey. The feedback that you give us is extremely important as it helps us to make sure that we are working in the best way possible to help those who need us. Please answer candidly.

The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes.

Important Notice
Responses to your survey are stored on the third-party website Survey Monkey but will also be subject to the Privacy Policy of OCD Action. To see more about our Privacy Policy, please click here. We only use your responses to improve the service we offer and to report to our funders on how well the service is doing. When reporting this information all responses are anonymised and we do not report any sensitive information.

You are under no obligation to take part in this survey, and if you would like your responses removed, please contact us on 0207 253 5272 or support@ocdaction.org.uk. By proceeding, you are expressing your agreement to these terms.