About Us

Scottish Disability Equality Forum works for social inclusion in Scotland through the removal of barriers to equality and the promotion of independent living for people affected by disability.
We are a membership organisation who represent individuals affected by disability and organisations and groups who share our values. Our aim is to ensure that the voices of people affected by disability are heard and heeded within their own communities and at a national and political level.
Please respond to this consultation before Sunday 15 January 2017.    

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* 1. Part 1: About this Consultation

The Scottish Government have agreed to write a new set of Standard for National Health and Social Care. These set out what we can expect when we use health and social services in Scotland. This was decided after a public consultation in 2015. The previous set of Standards, which have been in place since 2003, were written on technical needs, rather than individual needs. The new set of Standards, which will be in place from Spring 2018, will be based in the following principles of human rights;

Dignity and respect
Be included
Responsive care and support

The new set of Standards need to reflect recent changes in policy and practice, as well as the changes made to inspections of health and care social services.

The New Standards

The Scottish Government want the new Standards to apply across health, care and social work services. There will be 7 new Standards in all, which are;

1. I experience high quality care and support that is right for me.
2. I am at the heart of decisions about my care and support.
3. I am confident in the people who support and care for me.
4. I am confident in the organisation providing care and support.
5. And if the organisation also provides the premises I use.
6. And if my liberty is restricted by law.
7. And if I cam a child or young person needing social work care and support.

The first four headings set out Standards for everyone. The others apply to people in specific circumstances. Scottish Disability Equality Forum have only asked questions in the first four Standards, as these are the Standards which would apply to our members. If you would like to contribute to the other Standards, you can do so through the Scottish Government website.

What will happen next?

This consultation will run from October 2016 to January 2017. When the consultation closes, the Scottish Government will look at and review the responses. A report on the consultation will be available in Spring 2017. The Scottish Government will then set up a short-term group to advise on the details of the new Standards. The new Standards will be in place by Spring 2018.   

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* 2. Part 2: Overview of New Standards

Part 3 of this document provides the draft of the new Standards. When you read the new Standards you should think about what each Standard would mean for different people before answering the questions. You should think about what each Standard would mean for the following;

For people who use the services and their carers and what they should expect when using a care service. The Standard aims to help people understand what high quality care should be. They will help people realise if they are not getting high quality care and what to do if they are unhappy about the quality of their care.

For providers of care and how care services should be designed, delivered and improved. The Standards do not replace the professional codes of practice for staff. For regulated care services, the Standards will underpin decisions made by the Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland in the course of their work.

For local authorities and NHS Boards The new Standards set out how people should receive and experience care. The new Standards will not replace detailed clinical Standards about specific health issues.

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* 3. Part 3: Draft of the new Principles and Standards

Principles (approved February 2016)

Dignity and Respect
- My human rights are respected and promoted.
- I am respected and treated with dignity as an individual
- I am treated fairly and do not experience discrimination
- My privacy is respected

- I experience warm, compassionate and nurturing care and support
- My care is provided by people who understand and are sensitive to my needs and my wishes

Be included
- I receive the right information, at the right time and in a way that I can understand
- I am supported to make informed choices, so that I can control my care and support
- I am included in wider decisions about the way the service is provided, and my suggestions, feedback and concerns are considered
- I am supported to participate fully and actively in my community

Responsive care and support
- My health and social care needs are assessed and reviewed to ensure I receive the right support and care at the right time
- My care and support adapts when my needs, choices and decisions change
- I experience consistency in who provides my care and support and in how it is provided
- If I have a complaint it is acted on

- I am asked about my lifestyle preferences and aspirations, and I am supported to achieve these
- I am encouraged and helped to achieve my full potential
- I am supported to make informed choices, even if this means I might be taking personal risks
- I feel safe and I am protected from neglect, abuse or avoidable harm  

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* 4. Standard 1: I experience high quality care and support that is right for me

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* 5. Standard 2: I am at the heart of decisions about my care and support

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* 6. Standard 3: I am confident in the people who support and care for me

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* 7. Standard 4: I am confident in the organisation providing my care and support

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* 8. Do you think the Standards will be relevant and do you think they can be applied across all health, care and social work settings? 

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* 9. Do you think the Standards reflect what people go through in their own care and support? 

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* 10. This question is for Standard 1: I experience high quality care and support that is right for me.

Do you think this Standard describes what people should expect to experience from health, care and social work services?

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* 11. This question is for Standard 2: I am at the heart of decisions about my care and support.

Do you think this Standard describes what people should expect to experience from health, care and social work services? 

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* 12. This question is for Standard 3: I am confident in the people who support and care for me.

Do you think this Standard describes what people should expect to experience from health, care and social work services?

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* 13. This is for Standard 4: I am confident in the organisation providing my care and support.

Do you think this Standard describes what people should expect to experience from health, care and social work services? 

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* 14. Do you think these Standards will help support improvement in care services?

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* 15. Do you think there is anything else that needs to be included in the Standards?

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* 16. Is there anything you think the Scottish Government needs to know about the Standards that is not already covered in this consultation?

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* 17. What do you think the Standards should be called?

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* 18. Please write in the box below any further comments or suggestions you have

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* 19. Thank you for taking the time to complete this consultation.

Scottish Disability Equality Forum will collect all the answers and write a report. We will then submit the report to the Scottish Government.

Please complete this consultation before Sunday 15 January 2017.