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Do your bit to tackle climate change by reducing carbon emissions in Milford Parish and help make our community a Greener place to live. 

The Parish Council now asks  you to vote for your top 3 green challenges from the list below.  The challenges with the most votes will be published on a special Greening Challenge Card, to be delivered to every household in the parish in September.  Each household will then be asked to choose 5 challenges to commit to over the period of the campaign.  More details will follow in September.

The Campaign is designed to involve the whole parish and its objective is to seek to persuade as many people as possible to make small changes in their behaviour at home and so reduce the CO2 emissions of the village.   This is therefore  a significant opportunity for our Community to take action against Climate Change. 


Question Title

* 1. Choose your top 3 challenges to go on the back of the challenge card for the Milford-on-Sea community from this list:

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