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Tell us what you already know and what you need to know

In November Sniffer will hold a one day workshop, funded by the Scottish Government. The overall aim is to identify sources of funding available to local authorities, and explore skills and know-how needed to access them. This knowledge will benefit local authorities but also a wider audience involved in delivery of flood risk management actions including flood schemes and works.

Where possible we will touch on sources of funding that may be available to others (e.g. communities) that would relate to local authority FRM interests.

To help us prepare the workshop we are looking to identify sources of funding that are already in place, as well as those that are forthcoming. This includes funds that can deliver flood risk management elements, as well as those that can help local authorities maximise opportunities for multiple benefits through sourcing funds with other objectives such as greenspace, wellbeing, regeneration, community resilience and  water environment restoration.

We welcome your responses to the questions below.
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